Java Regular Expression Test
Java regular expression online testing provides Java regular expression online matching and replacement functions. By controlling parameter settings, you can control the behavior of regular expressions, such as ignoring case, multiline mode, etc.
String Length Calculation
Calculate the length of the string online, including the total number of characters in the input string, the number of valid characters (excluding white space characters), the number of words and paragraphs.
Random Password/String Generator
Online random password generator, random string generator. You can generate passwords or strings of specified length that meet specific strength requirements. The generation tool can customize generation rules, such as including specific characters and excluding specific characters.
Random Number Generator Online
The online random number generator supports the generation of random integer values and random floating-point values. When unique is specified, all generated random numbers are not repeated.
UUID Generator Online
UUID online generator, guid online generator tool (GUID is a term for UUID by Microsoft). Support the generation of UUIDs for version 1 and version 4 algorithms. Version4 UUID is generally used.
RMB Number Converter
It provides the function of converting online RMB numbers to uppercase numbers. Capital figures are a unique digital writing method in China. Chinese characters with the same pronunciation with numbers are used to replace numbers in order to prevent numbers from being altered. Replace the numbers "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred and thousand" with complex Chinese characters such as "壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟".
CRC Calculation Online
The cyclic redundancy check calculation function of CRC8, CRC16, CRC32 and crc64 is provided to detect or verify possible errors after data transmission or saving. It uses the principle of division and remainder to detect errors. When calculating, pay attention to different algorithms (including polynomial, initial value, whether to reverse, etc.), and the calculation results will be different.
The websocket online test tool can be used as a websocket client to connect to the websocket server of the intranet or public network, and supports receiving and sending text messages in real time. Websocket is a new protocol under HTML5. It realizes the full duplex communication between browser and server, which can better save server resources and bandwidth, and achieve the purpose of real-time communication. Like HTTP, it transmits data through the established TCP connection, but its biggest difference from HTTP is that websocket is a two-way communication protocol. After the connection is established, the websocket server and client can actively send or receive data to each other, just like socket; Like TCP, websocket needs to establish a connection first. Only after the connection is successful can they communicate with each other.
JavaScript Regular Expression Test
JavaScript regular expression (JS regular expression) online test, providing JavaScript regular expression online matching and replacement functions. By controlling parameter settings, you can control the behavior of regular expressions, such as ignoring case, global mode, multiline mode, etc.
DNS Lookup Online
The DNS record query tool provides DNS A-type, CNAME type, MX type and TXT type record query functions. Domain name system (English: domain name system, abbreviation: DNS) is a service of the Internet. As a distributed database that maps domain names and IP addresses to each other, it can make it easier for people to access the Internet. DNS uses TCP and UDP ports 53. At present, the length limit for each level of domain name is 63 characters, and the total length of domain name cannot exceed 253 characters.
User Agent Analysis Online
User agent online analysis. The Chinese name of user agent is user agent, abbreviated as UA. It is a special string header that enables the server to identify the operating system and version used by the customer, CPU type, browser and version, browser rendering engine, browser language, browser plug-in, etc.
Htpasswd Generator Online
Online htpasswd generator. Htpasswd is a command tool of the open source HTTP server Apache httpd, which is used to generate password files for HTTP basic authentication.
Layui Documentation
View of layui documents, provide layui library download, layui online documents, layui online examples, view of layer documents and examples, view of laydate documents and examples
HTML Editor Online
The online HTML editor provides the function of online rich text editing, and converts the edited rich text into HTML documents
HTML Color Picker
The HTML color picker selects the HTML color online and obtains the RGB value of the corresponding color. Supports transparency settings. This tool also provides common HTML color query and common HTML color name reference table query. HTML color is generally composed of red (R), green (g) and blue (b). Red, green and blue values (RGB) are usually represented by hexadecimal numbers. The lowest value of each color is 0 (hexadecimal 00) and the highest value is 255 (hexadecimal FF). Hexadecimal values are written as # numbers followed by three or six or eight hexadecimal characters. The three digit representation is: #rgb. The six digits are expressed as: #rrggbb. The eight digits are represented as #rrggbbaa, and the last two hexadecimal digits are alpha channel values, indicating the transparency of the color.
Java 8 Documentation
Java 8 document online provides java 8 (Java SDK 1.8) document online viewing and java 8 API online viewing.
Java 11 Documentation
Java 11 document online provides java 11 (Java SDK 11) document online viewing and java 11 API online viewing.
Java 14 Documentation
Java 14 document online provides java 14 (Java SDK 14) document online viewing and java 14 API online viewing.
Python 3 Documentation
Python 3 document online provides Python 3 document online viewing and Python 3 API online viewing.
HTML Encode / Decode Online
HTML encoding and decoding tool, providing HTML entity online Decode and Encode functions. This tool supports encoding reserved characters in HTML into HTML character entities, and converting HTML character entities into corresponding characters.
JSON5 Beautify / Validator Online
The JSON5 Beautify / Validator Online tool provides online json5 format verification, json5 format, json5 data compression and json5 data beautification functions.
Golang Regular Expression Test Online
Golang regular expression test online tool provides online matching and replacement of golang regular expressions. This tool supports golang regular expression matching, golang regular expression splitting strings, and golang regular expression replacing strings.
Python Regular Expression Test Online
Python regular expression test online tool provides online matching and replacement of python regular expressions. This tool supports python regular expression matching, python regular expression splitting strings, and python regular expression replacing strings.
XOR Checksum / BCC Checksum Online
The Block Check Character (BCC) online calculation tool supports online calculation BCC values of binary data (hex representation), string data and file data, so as to detect whether there are errors in the data transmission process.
SVG Editor Online
SVG Editor Online tool supports online opening and editing of SVG pictures, with rich SVG basic shapes and styles built in. After editing, you can export pictures in SVG and PNG formats.
Free Image Editor Online
Free Image Editor Online tool is free online image editor using HTML5. Edit, adjust your images, add effects online in your browser, without installing anything...
Map Coordinate System Converter Online
The Map Coordinate System Converter Online tool supports the mutual conversion of longitude and latitude coordinates between WGS84 coordinate system, gcj02 coordinate system (Mars coordinate system) and bd09 coordinate system.
Image Compression Online
The Image Compression Online tool supports online compression of common image formats such as PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP,WBMP, etc. You can set the file size of the compressed picture and the pixel size of the compressed picture through parameter settings, and you can export the compressed picture for free.
Morse Code Convert Online
Morse Code Convert Online supports encoding text (including Chinese) into Morse code and decoding Morse code into ordinary text. Text supports all unicdoe characters.
JSON Format/JSON Parse Online
JSON Format/JSON Parse Online tool support online verification of JSON data format, formatting JSON data display, parsing JSON data, compressing JSON data and escaping JSON data. JSON data source supports inputting strings, opening local files and opening URLs.
QR Code Scanner Online
QR Code Scanner Online (QR code decoder) support online scanning of QR code pictures, opening QR code https address or taking photos with camera to obtain QR code and decode the information contained in QR code.
QR Code Generator
QR code generator online, which supports online generation of QR code of text and URL. Support embedding custom logo or embedding custom text below QR code.
Sequence Generator Online
Generate a string sequence based on numbers or expressions online. This tool supports batch generation of serial no list, or other text sequences with specific rules.
Barcode Generator Online
Barcode Generator Online, which supports online barcode generation. This tool supports the generation of bar codes in CODE128, EAN13, CODE39, ITF, MSI and other formats
Exchange Rate Query
The real-time exchange rate query tool supports online query of real-time exchange rates of RMB against US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Ruble, Pound and other currencies.
Cron Expression Evaluation
Cron expression calculation, online calculation of the execution plan time of cron (crontab) expression. Cron expression supports Linux style, cron4j style, quartz style and spring style.
Image Crop
Online free image crop, you can select and crop part of the image online and download it as a new image. Cropping supports rectangular cropping and circular cropping, and supports custom selection area size.
Random ID Number Generation
Online random ID number generation tool, which supports online batch production of random ID number. The generated information includes provinces, cities, districts and counties, date of birth, gender and age.
Chines to Pinyin
The online Chinese character to Pinyin tool converts Chinese characters into pinyin, and supports the functions of displaying tone, polyphone, uppercase Pinyin, lowercase Pinyin and so on.
Date Calculator
Date calculator is used to calculate the number of days, months and years between two dates online. It also supports subtracting or adding specific days, months and years to a date to get a new date.
Countdown Timer Online
Countdown timer online supports online countdown. After the countdown, you can set the sound of playing alarm.
Stopwatch Online
Online stopwatch timer supports online stopwatch timing, millisecond time, pause, mark and download functions.
Unit Converter Online
Unit converter online supports the conversion of multiple units such as length, weight, area, volume data.
AES Encryption and Decryption
The online AES encryption and decryption tool provides online AES encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports six encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, GCM and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and Base64.
BMI Index Calculator
Online free BMI index calculator provides BMI index calculation, introduction of BMI calculation formula and display of BMI normal value range.
Longitude Latitude Query and Positioning
Longitude Latitude Query and Positioning online:pick up the longitude and latitude coordinates through the online map, or query the longitude and latitude coordinates of the address. You can also reverse query the address information through the longitude and latitude coordinates.
Safe Days Calculator
Safe Days Calculator online is a free physiological period calculation tool, which can calculate the safe period, ovulation period and menstrual period date online according to the selected menstrual time.
Age Calculator
The age calculator calculates the age online according to the selected birthday.
Chinese Relationship Calculator
Calculate online how to call Chinese relatives and how relatives call me. It also supports calculating the corresponding person relationship through relative.
SQL Format / Compress
Online sql statement formatting (beautification) and compression tools support the formatting and compression of SQL statements such as SQL-2011, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle PL/SQL, Spark, SQL Server T-SQL, etc.
MQTT WebSocket Client Online
Mqtt websocket online testing tool connects to mqtt broker through websocket, subscribes to message topics, and sends and receives mqtt messages.
Free Public MQTT Broker Online
The public free mqtt broker online supports mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss and other protocol access, and supports mqtt 3.1.1 and 5.0 standards.
SSL Certificate Generator
Online free SSL certificate generator, online generation of SSL domain name certificate and IP certificate for learning and testing. You can use the generated certificate to publish HTTPS sites.
Provident Fund Loan Calculator
Provident fund mortgage calculator, online calculation of provident fund housing loan monthly repayment amount, total interest, etc. Two calculation methods of equal principal and equal principal and interest are supported.
China Portfolio Mortgage Calculator
Online portfolio mortgage calculator to calculate the monthly repayment amount and interest expenditure of provident fund loan and commercial loan portfolio mortgage.
JSONPath Evaluator Online
Jsonpath evaluator online provides jsonpath online evaluate function. You can enter JSON data and then use jsonpath to extract the data.
JSON to Java Class Converter
Online JSON strings generate Java entity classes, JSON strings generate JavaBeans,JSON strings to Java POJO.This tool support intelligent processing of keywords, special class names, naming rule checking and other features.
JSON to C# Class Converter
Online JSON strings generate c# entity classes, and JSON strings generate c# object. It supports intelligent keyword processing, special class names, naming rule checking and other features.
JSON to Golang Struct Converter
Online JSON string generation Golang struct, JSON string generation Golang object, support for intelligent processing of keywords, special class names, naming rules checking and other features.
China Mobile Phone Number Address Query
The online mobile phone number address query tool is used to query the address information, isp information and number segment information of the mobile phone number.
ASCII Code Table
ASCII code table online, query ASCII code 0-255 corresponding characters, including control characters, printable characters and extended characters.
Lunar and Solar Calendar Converter
The lunar and solar calendar conversion tool provides online Chinese lunar calendar to solar calendar, and solar to Chinese lunar calendar functions.
Javascript Obfuscator Online
JavaScript obfuscation and encryption tool online supports online obfuscation and encryption of JavaScript code. Obfuscation supports low obfuscation high performance, medium obfuscation optimal performance, high obfuscation low performance modes. You can also control the detailed process of obfuscation by customizing parameters.
String Base32 Converter
The string base32 converter online tool provides the function of converting strings to base32. Conversion supports selecting character sets and setting newline character parameters.
Blood Type Genetics Table
Blood type genetics table, online query the blood types of children corresponding to the parents' blood types.
Random IP(IPv4/IPv6) Address Generator Online
The random IP(IPv4/IPv6) address generator online tool supports the generation of random IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses, and can specify the generated count, address range and other parameters.
HTTP Response Status Code Full List
Online HTTP response status code query. The HTTP status code indicates the processing status of HTTP requests. It is generally divided into five categories: information, success, redirection, client error, and service error. Common examples include 200 indicating successful response, 404 not found, 500 server internal error, etc.
HMAC Generator Online
The online HMAC calculation tool supports the hash-based message authentication code calculation based on MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-256, SHA3-512 and other hash algorithms.
3DES/TripleDES Encryption and Decryption
The online 3DES/TripleDES encryption and decryption tool provides online 3DES/TripleDES encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports five encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and Base64.
Binary File Hex String Converter
Online file and hex string conversion tool, which supports converting binary files to hexadecimal strings and hexadecimal strings to binary files.
Chinese Idioms Full List Online
The online chinese idiom full list supports idiom query, idiom explanation and idiom example viewing. You can fuzzy query idioms according to the words or phonetic abbreviations. This tool contains tens of thousands of chinese idioms and provides online query function of idiom dictionary.
Chinese Idiom Solitaire
Chinese Idiom Solitaire Online, a complete collection of idioms solitaire. The idiom database covers tens of thousands of idioms.
Common Ports And Protocols List
A complete list of common ports and protocols online, listing common port numbers, protocols used, service names, service descriptions and other information.
Chinese Allegorical Sayings
Chinese allegorical sayings full list, chinese allegorical sayings query online.This tool contains more than 14000 allegorical sayings.
Alarm Clock Online
Set the alarm clock online and set the alarm time. When the time arrives, the alarm will ring.
RSA Key Generator Online
The online RSA asymmetric encryption public key and private key generation tool generates 1024,2048,4096 bit length private keys and public keys online. The generated results support the output of PEM format and HEX format.
RSA Encryption and Decryption Online
Online asymmetric RSA encryption and decryption tool supports public key encryption and private key decryption. Private key encryption, public key decryption. It supports the input of public and private keys in PEM and HEX formats. The input data and output results support String, Hex and Base64.
Random Mac Address Generator
The online random MAC address generator supports the generation of 48 bit or 64 bit MAC addresses, and the generation parameters support the setting of case, address format, generation count, limited generation address range, etc.
Hash Calculation Online
Calculate the hash value of text and file online, and the calculation supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 algorithms. The input data supports string, hex, base64 string or file. The hash value of the corresponding data is calculated, and the calculation result is expressed as hexadecimal string and base64 string.
Blowfish Encryption and Decryption
The online Blowfish encryption and decryption tool provides online Blowfish encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports five encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
Text Add Line Number Online
Add line numbers to multi line text online. You can customize the format of adding line numbers, whether they are aligned, and appear at the beginning or end of the line.
Text Filter Online
The online text filtering tool uses raw text, line number or regular expression to filter the lines that conform to the rules in the text, and uses separator or regular expression to extract the columns that conform to the rules in the text.
Find and Replace Text Online
The online text search and replacement tool uses text or regular expression to find the target text, and then replace it with new content. The replacement content supports text and the back reference of regular expressions.
Duplicate Text Remove Online
Online text de duplication tool to remove globally repeated lines or continuous repeated lines. Support custom line split characters, whether to remove the blank space at the beginning and end of the line and other custom parameters.
String Binary Converter
Online string and binary conversion tool, using the selected character set, converts the string to a byte array, and then converts the byte array to a binary string.
Free Markdown Editor Online
Free markdown editor online, supports CommonMark and GFM specifications, and supports real-time preview. Support the export of Markdown, HTML and PDF files.
Free SQL Test Online
Online free SQL testing tools, support SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server database. You can use SQL scripts to create tables, insert data, and select data.
CSS Color Converter
The online CSS color convert tool supports color conversion between rgb, hex, hsl, hsv, hwb and other formats.
Random Hex Generator Online
The online random hex string generation tool supports the generation of hex strings of any length, which can be downloaded as hex text files and binary bin files.
Text Compare Online
Text comparison tool online, compare the differences between the input text on both sides.It can also be used to compare the differences of codes.
curl Commoand to Code
The online curl command to code tool supports the conversion of curl commands into java, golang, python, js, php, rust, dart and other programming language codes.
RC6 Encryption and Decryption Online
The online RC6 encryption and decryption tool provides online RC6 encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports five encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
RC5 Encryption and Decryption Online
The online RC5 encryption and decryption tool provides online RC5 encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports five encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
RC4 Encryption and Decryption Online
The online RC4 encryption and decryption tool provides online RC4 encryption and decryption test. The input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
RC2 Encryption and Decryption Online
The online RC2 encryption and decryption tool provides online RC2 encryption and decryption test. The encryption and decryption supports five encryption modes: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR and ECB, and the input and output supports three formats: hex, string and base64.
SQLite Viewer Online
SQLite viewer online, open or create SQLite database files online, execute SQL scripts, query data, and export SQLite files.
Decimal Degrees and Degrees Minutes Seconds Converter Online
The decimal degrees and degrees minutes seconds converter tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. Conversion supports single conversion and batch conversion.
YAML Editor Online
Yaml editor online, which can edit YAML and YML documents online, then copy or download the edited documents.
YAML to JSON Online
The YAML and JSON mutual conversion tool online supports the function of YAML to JSON and JSON to YAML.
CSS Beautify and Minify
CSS beautify tools and minify tools online provide one click CSS beautification function and one click CSS minimization compression function.
JS Beautify and Minify
JS beautify tools and minify tools online provide one click JS beautification function and one click JS minimization function.
HTML Beautify and Minify
HTML beautify tools and minify tools online provide one click HTML beautification function and one click HTML minimization function.
HTML to JS Converter Online
HTML to JS converter online, providing the function of HTML source code to JS variable. It can be converted based on template string or ordinary string concatenating.
MySQL Generate JavaBean Online
MySQL generate JavaBean tool online, input MySQL DDL SQL statements, and generate corresponding java bean entity classes. The Java class name and field name conform to the naming convention.
Shelf Life Calculator Online
Shelf-life calculator online, input the production date, shelf-life duration, calculate the expiration time of the shelf-life of commodities, food, drugs and other items, and whether it expires.
String Unicode Converter Online
The string unicode converter tool online supports the mutual conversion of string and unicode code point. The conversion supports setting whether to keep ASCII characters and processing multi byte unicode code point.
CIDR Calculator for IPv4 and IPv6
Online IPv4 / IPv6 CIDR network address calculator, which supports calculating the starting IP, ending IP and the number of hosts in the CIDR block.The IPv4 calculation also displays the subnet mask.
Make Basic Line Chart Online
Make line chart online for free. Line chart is one of the most commonly used charts. It is a line formed by mapping data columns or rows to points in the line chart and combining the points. It is mainly used to express continuous data that changes with time. The line chart can show the change of trend.
Make Basic Pie Chart Online
Make pie charts online for free. Make pie chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated pie chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Text Length Filter Tool Online
Text length filter tool online , filtering the text with the length of each line within the specified range.
Make Basic Tree Chart Online
Make tree charts online for free. Make tree chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated tree chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Basic Bar Chart Online
Make bar charts online for free. Make bar chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated bar chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Basic Sankey Chart Online
Make sankey charts online for free. Make sankey chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated sankey chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Basic Radar Chart Online
Make radar charts online for free. Make radar chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated radar chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Basic Sunburst Chart Online
Make sunburst charts online for free. Make sunburst chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated sunburst chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Basic Scatter Chart Online
Make scatter charts online for free. Make scatter chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated scatter chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Nightingale Chart Online
Make nightingale charts online for free. Make nightingale chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated nightingale chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Doughnut Chart Online
Make doughnut charts online for free. Make doughnut chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated doughnut chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Text Extraction Tool Online
Online text extraction tool to extract email, IP address, domain name, number, character and other information from the input text.
Make Funnel Chart Online
Make funnel charts online for free. Make funnel chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated funnel chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Make Gauge Chart Online
Make gauge charts online for free. Make gauge chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated gauge chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
OCR Online
The online image text recognition tool supports the detection and recognition of characters in images, and supports the text recognition of multiple languages such as Chinese simplified/traditional, English, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, German, French, Spanish, and Hindi.
PDF Text Recognition Online
The PDF text tecognition online tool supports the detection and recognition of text in PDF files. The tool has high recognition accuracy and stable service performance.
Intelligent Image Matting Online
The online intelligent image matting tool supports online one click matting of portraits or main objects in the picture, and supports setting the background of objects.
Old Photo Repair Online
The online old photo repair tool uploads old photos, and performs multiple repairs and optimizations on image quality based on depth learning, including defogging, denoising, black and white coloring, super resolution lossless amplification, etc. Returns clear images after color enhancement and photo blur removal.
Chinese Character Splitting Online
The Chinese character splitting tool online, which splits Chinese characters from left to right or from top to bottom.
Mathematical Formula Drawing Chart Online
The online mathematical formula drawing chart tool supports the input of any mathematical formula, and then the input formula is drawn into a chart. Formulas support trigonometric functions, exponents, logarithms, polynomials, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, etc.
Image Quality Enhancement Online
The online image quality enhancement tool, based on the image quality analysis technology and AI reconstruction technology, enhances the low quality blurred images in a one-stop way, greatly improves the portrait quality and overall picture definition, intelligently and quickly denoises the blurred images, optimizes the image texture details, makes the images more natural and clear, and improves the user experience.
Express Query Online
Online express query tools include Shunfeng Express, JD Express,China Postal Express, Shentong Express, Yuantong Express, Yunda Express, Tiantian Express, Zhongtong Express, DHL Express, UPS Express, Fedex, etc.
Image Format Converter Online
The online image format conversion tool supports the conversion between jpg, jpeg, png, gif, webp, svg and other image formats.
Make Favicon Online
Make favicon tools online, support uploading images in jpg, jpeg, png, webp and other formats, and create favicon icons for websites.
Image Color Picker Online
The image color picker online, extracts color values at any position of the image.
Image Crop Online
The online image cropping tool supports the image cropping of 3*3 or user-defined rows and columns, and supports downloading the cropped images to the local.
Add Watermark to Image Online
The online image watermarking tool supports adding text watermarks and image watermarks to images.
Convert Text To Image Online
The online text generation image tool supports the generation of images from single or multiple lines of text, supports the customization of foreground color, background color, text size and other parameters, and supports jpg, jpeg, png, webp and other formats of images.
Image Rotate Online
The online image rotation tool supports clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of images, and supports jpg, jpeg, png, webp, bmp and other formats of images.
String Encode and Decode
The online text encryption and decryption tool supports the encoding and decoding of text to base64, hex, urlencode, html entities, and MD5.
Image Mirror Flip Online
Online image flipping tool, which supports flipping images from left to right, up and down.
China's Holiday Schedule
Online China holiday arrangement query, query the holiday arrangement plan and compensatory leave plan of each festival over the years.
JSON Format Parsing and Verification Tool Online
The online JSON format parsing and verification tool supports JSON format validation, JSON data parsing and JSON data compression functions.
Punycode Encoder and Decoder Online
The online Puyncode encoding and decoding tool converts the international domain name to Punycode encoding in DNS to solve the problem that the DNS system only supports English domain name resolution.
Text Reverse Tool Online
The online text reverse tool provides word by word reversing, or line by line reversing.
JSON Schema Validate Online
Online JSON Schema verification tool, input JSON data and JSON Schema format, and verify whether JSON data conforms to the format defined by Schema.
Random JSON Data Generator Online
Use the format defined by JSON Schema to randomly generate JSON data.
Generate JSON Schema Online
Online JSON data generation JSON Schema tool, input JSON data or open JSON data file, and generate the corresponding JSON Schema from the data. This tool supports JSON Schema Draft-07, Draft-06, and Draft-04 specifications.
Round Corner Image Generate Online
The online round corner image generation tool uploads local images, sets the radius size, and generates round corner images.
Random Data Generator Online
Generate random string data, numerical data, time data, telephone number data and other test data online, generate data randomly based on the string template.
Factorial Calculator Online
The online factorial calculator supports factorial calculation of positive integers of any size. Factorial calculation results can be downloaded locally.
Base64 to Image Converter Online
Online Base64 to image converter, supporting Base64 string to image or Base64 string (in Data URLs format) to image convert.
Fibonacci Sequence Calculator Online
The online Fibonacci sequence calculator supports the calculation of Fibonacci sequence with super large values, and the calculation results can be downloaded locally.
Special Symbol List Online
The online collection of special symbols provides various special symbols, including mathematical symbols, numerical symbols, superscript and subscript, punctuation symbols, arrow symbols, Greek letters, graphic symbols, etc. All symbols support one-click copy.
Prime Factor Decomposition Online
The online free decomposition prime factor tool supports the decomposition of prime factors of large numbers, and gives the prime factor decomposition formula.
Chinese Character Stroke Order Query
Online Chinese character stroke order query, support the query of Chinese character or sentence stroke order, support the online test of stroke order.
Random Time Generator Online
Online random time generator, which supports online generation of random time, increasing time and decreasing time. You can specify the time format of the generated results, the generated quantity, and whether duplicates are allowed.
XPath Tester Online
Online free XPath testing tool, input XML data or open XML file, and use the filled XPath expression to traverse XML data. This tool supports XML namespaces and downloading query results as files.
Chinese Surnames with Pinyin
The full text of online hundred surnames, the online hundred surnames ranking table, and the full text of online hundred surnames with pinyin.
Longitude and Latitude Distance Calculator Online
online longitude and latitude distance calculation, input any two longitude and latitude to calculate the distance between them. The distance calculation supports Haversine formula and Vincenty's formulae.
JWT Decryption Online
The online JSON Web Token decryption tool decrypts the information carried in the JWT header and payload. This tool will not verify the correctness of the JWT signature.
HTTP Basic Authentication Encrypt and Decrypt Online
Online HTTP Basic Authentication encryption and decryption tool, input user name and password, and generate basic authentication encryption request header. Enter the basic authentication encryption string to decrypt the user name and password.
Text to ASCII Art Generator Online
Online generation of ASCII Art tool, input English letters and numbers, select fonts, set parameters, and generate corresponding ASCII WordArt.
English Date Format Online
The online English date formatting tool supports American English and British English date formatting.
Number Process Online
Online number processing tool, which supports adding thousands separators, Scientific notation conversion, number to words, number to Chinese words and other functions, the tool supports batch processing.
Fraction Calculator Online
The online fraction calculator supports the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. Fraction to decimal, decimal to fraction calculation. Support fraction reduction calculation.
Fuel Consumption Calculator Online
The online fuel consumption calculator provides functions such as fuel consumption calculation per hundred kilometers, fuel consumption calculation per unit mileage, and cost calculation per unit mileage.
Rice Cooker Appointment Time Calculator
The online rice cooker reservation time calculator calculates the reservation waiting time according to the meal time and cooking time, or calculates the meal time according to the waiting time and cooking time.
Python Source Code Compile and Decompile Online
The online python source file compile and decompile tool supports the compilation of python source files to python pyc files, and the decompilation of python pyc files to python source files.
Anti-Motivational Quote
Randomly display anti-motivational sentences online
Emoticons Collection Online
Online emoticons collection, displaying cute and interesting text expression emoji, supporting one-click copying.
Leap Year Calculator
A leap year calculator that calculates whether a certain year is a normal year or a leap year online, and can also calculate all leap years within a certain time range. This tool supports leap year calculations in BC.
Body Fat Percentage Calculator Online
The online body fat percentage calculator uses BMI or parameters such as weight, waist circumference, and height to estimate body fat percentage, and provides a classification reference for body fat percentage.
Reduce Lines of Text to One Line Online
A tool for connecting multiple lines of text online into one line, which can specify parameters such as join delimiters, whether to remove leading and trailing blanks, and whether to retain blank lines. Processing results can be downloaded locally.
Chinese Zodiac Query Online
Online Chinese zodiac age query tool, which can query Chinese zodiac signs based on age,query age base on chinese zodiac, and year-zodiac reference table.
Height Weight Chart Calculator
The online height and weight calculator calculates the corresponding healthy weight range, lean weight range, and obese weight range based on the entered height.
CSS Length Unit Converter
CSS length unit convert tool online that supports the conversion of values between CSS units such as px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, Q, em, rem, vw, vh and other units.
IPv6 Address Compress and Expand
Online IPv6 address compress and expand tool that supports the compression and expansion of 0 in IPv6 addresses.
World Time Query
Online world time query, query the world time corresponding to the selected time, and query the time zone information around the world.
Area Calculator Online
Online area calculator, supports calculating the area of shapes such as circles, fan-shaped, torus, triangles, arches, ellipses, diamonds, rectangles, squares, parallelograms, etc.
Clock Online
Online clock, analog clock display of current time, support for custom background color, and full screen display.
Base58 Encode and Decode Online
Online Base58 encoding and decoding tool, supporting Base58 encoding and decoding of strings and files.
Count Down the Days Online
Online countdown days, counting the countdown day to a specific date, this tool can generate a countdown day QR code, which can be saved locally or shared with others.
Random Email Address Generator
The online random email address generation tool, randomly generate email address, support custom generation parameters, support download email address results to the local computer.
Error Random Number Generator Online
Online error random number generator, specify random number range, error range, randomly generate random numbers with errors.
Average Calculator Online
The online average calculator supports the calculation of arithmetic mean, geometric mean, root mean square, harmonic mean, median and mode of a group of values.
Variance and Standard Deviation Calculator Online
The online variance and standard deviation calculator calculates the sample standard deviation, sample variance, population standard deviation and population variance of the input values.
Square Root and Power Calculator Online
Online exponent and square root calculator, supporting the calculation of any number of square root and the calculation of exponent results with any base. The square root calculation will display all results, including complex numbers.
Caesar Cipher Encode and Decode Online
Online Caesar cipher encryption and decryption tool, supporting Caesar cipher encryption for text and decryption of Caesar ciphertext. The characters that support encryption include English lowercase letters, English uppercase letters, and Chinese characters.
Random Phone Number Generator Online
Online random phone number generator, using template syntax to randomly generate phone numbers. This tool supports generating mobile phone numbers in any format.
Perimeter Calculator Online
The online perimeter calculator supports calculating the perimeter of shapes such as circles, sectors, ellipses, triangles, squares, rectangles, and quadrilaterals, and displays the perimeter calculation formulas and schematic diagrams for corresponding shapes.
Vigenère Cipher Encode and Decode Online
Online vigenère cipher encryption and decryption tool, supporting vigenère cipher encryption for text and decryption of vigenère ciphertext. The characters that support encryption include English lowercase letters, English uppercase letters, and Chinese characters.
TeX/LaTeX Mathematical Formula to Image Online
The online TeX/LaTeX mathematical formula to image tool, enter TeX/LaTeX mathematical formula, convert the formula to SVG image, and support downloading the generated mathematical formula image to the local computer.
Chinese Lunar Time Converter Online
The online chinese time conversion tool converts twelve units and ninety-six quarters into corresponding times, and converts time into corresponding units and quarters.
Text Shuffling Order Tool Online
Online text shuffle order tool, support word by word or line by line to shuffle the input text, the shuffling mode can be set to shuffle all characters or only text (do not shuffle punctuation, etc), processing results support download to the local.
China Workday Calculator
The online workday calculator calculates the working day and rest day dates according to the chinese national legal holiday arrangements.
Online XML and JSON Converter
Online XML and JSON mutual conversion tool, supporting the conversion of XML data and JSON data, and downloading the converted results locally.
Flip Clock Online
Online flip clock, displaying the digital clock for flipping. Support parameter settings such as background color, full screen, and timing mode.
True Code/One's Complement/Two's Complement Calculator Online
Online true code, One's Complement code, and Two's Complement calculator, supporting the calculation of 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, and any bits of integer number's true code, One's Complement code, and Two's Complement.
Sudoku Generator Online
Online Sudoku generator, generates Sudoku tables online, supports selecting multiple difficulty modes, and can complete Sudoku games online or print locally.
Handwritten Signature Online
Online electronic signature tool, supporting the generation of handwritten electronic signatures, supporting personalized settings such as font color and line thickness control through custom parameters. Handwritten signatures can be downloaded as images in png, jpeg, and svg formats.
Lottery Draw Turntable Online
Online lottery draw turntable tool, supporting setting lottery options, option weights, then random select lottery option. The lottery results can be downloaded locally.
Flower English Converter Online
The online flower english letter conversion tool converts English alphabet and numbers in the input text into fancy letters and numbers. The conversion result supports one key copy.
Geodetic to Cartesian Coordinates Converter Online
This conversion converts geodetic coordinate values (longitude, latitude, elevation above ellipsoid) to their geocentric (X, Y, Z) representation. This tool supports batch conversion, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.
Coordinate Frame Convert Online
The coordinate frame convert tool changes coordinates from one reference frame to another by using Helmert transformation of 3-parameter, 4-parameter and 7-parameter shifts. The input cartesian coordinates (spatial) support 2D and 3D coordinates, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.
Coordinate Projection Calculator Online
Online coordinate projection calculation tool, supporting mutual conversion between longitude and latitude coordinates and projection plane coordinates. Projection supports multiple calculation methods such as Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Web Mercator, and more.
Axis Swap Online
Online coordinate axis swap tool, supporting the swap of order and signs of coordinate axes. The swap results support downloading to the local.
Geocentric to Topocentric Converter Online
This operation converts geocentric coordinate values (X, Y, Z) to topocentric (E/East, N/North, U/Up) values. This is also sometimes known as the ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) to ENU conversion.
Molodensky-Badekas Transform Online
The Molodensky-Badekas transformation changes coordinates from one reference frame to another by means of a 10-parameter shift. The conversion results can be downloaded locally.
Molodensky Transform Online
The Molodensky transform online tool converts directly from geodetic coordinates to geodetic coordinates, without the intermediate shifts to and from cartesian geocentric coordinates. The Molodensky transformation is simple to implement and to parametrize, requiring only the 3 shifts between the input and output frame, and the corresponding differences between the semimajor axes and flattening parameters of the reference ellipsoids.
Regular Expression Visualization Online
Online regular expression visualization tool, generating visual structure diagrams of JavaScript regular expressions or JavaScript like regular expressions. The generated visual structure diagrams are intuitive and easy to understand, assisting in regular expression learning.
Logarithmic Calculator Online
Online logarithmic calculator, calculate the logarithm of 2, e, 10, or any base number, and display the logarithmic chart corresponding to the base number.
Cartesian and Polar Coordinate Converter Online
The online cartesian coordinate and polar coordinate conversion tool supports the mutual conversion of Cartesian coordinate system coordinates and Polar coordinate system coordinates. The conversion supports batch operation, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.
Sketch Image Generator Online
Online sketch image generator, upload images, generate black and white sketch style images.
Make Word Cloud Chart Online
Make word cloud charts online for free. Make word cloud chart online, support filling in data online or uploading excel files, and support exporting the generated word cloud chart to JPG, PNG and PDF files.
Convert Text&Image to XBM Online
Convert text&image to xbm tool online, supporting the generation of black and white dot matrices for text and images, and downloading the generated black and white dot matrices as XBM files or image files.
Binary Data Format Converter Online
Online binary format conversion tool, supporting binary data conversion between hex string, hex prefix string, binary string, base64 string, raw format, and downloading the conversion results locally.
XBM Editor Online
Online XBM editor, edit XBM files online, edit dot matrix data online, and the edited xbm files can be downloaded locally.
Braille Translator Online
Online braille translator, supporting text to braille and braille to text conversion. Braille specifications support Mainland Chinese Braille in Chinese Mainland, double-phonic Braille in Chinese Mainland, and various English Braille.
Maze Generator Online
Online maze generator, supporting various shapes and complexity of maze generation, and the generated maze can be downloaded as images.
Volume Calculator Online
The online volume calculator supports the calculation of the volume of dozens of geometric shapes, such as Rectangular cuboid, cube, cylinder, cone, triangular cone, and displays the corresponding volume calculation formula.
Proportional Calculator Online
Online proportional calculator, input any three numerical values to calculate the fourth value with equal proportions. The calculation results support one click replication.
Image Stitching Online
Online image stitching tool that supports opening multiple local images and stitching them into one image. The concatenated image results support downloading to the local location. Local image formats support jpg, jpeg, png, webp, and more.
Lorem Ipsum Generator Online
Lorem Ipsum Generator Online, randomly generating simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, and English random lorem ipsum text. Generation supports setting parameters such as number of paragraphs, number of sentences, and number of words within a sentence. The generated random lorem ipsum text results support copying and downloading.
Convert Color Photos to Black and White Photos
Online color photo to black and white photo tool, upload color photos, one click to remove photo colors, and convert to black and white photos. The converted black and white photos can be downloaded locally.
Convert Image to Pixel Image Online
The online image to Pixel image tool converts uploaded images to pixel style images. The converted pixel images can be downloaded locally.
Image to Oil Painting Online
Online image to oil painting tool, supporting the conversion of uploaded photos into oil painting style photos. Support the setting of oil painting intensity parameters, and the converted oil painting photos can be downloaded locally.
Add Aero Glass to Image Online
Add aero glass effect to images tool online, add aero glass special effects to images, generate beautified pictures or wallpapers.
Character Frequency Statistics Online
Online character frequency statistics tool, which calculates the frequency of individual letters and words in text. Frequency statistics support English and Chinese characters.
Add Spaces between Chinese and English Character Online
Automatically add a space tool between Chinese and English characters online, automatically adding spaces between Chinese and English characters in the input text.
Text Vertical Tools Online
Online text vertical display tool, which converts input text into vertical display. Vertical text supports copying and downloading.
Convert JSON to Excel Online
Online JSON to Excel tool, input or open JSON data, convert it into Excel or CSV files, and the converted Excel and CSV files can be downloaded locally.
Convert Excel to JSON Online
Online Excel to JSON tool, open an Excel or CSV file, convert it to JSON format data, and the converted JSON data supports copying and downloading.
Generate Cartoon Avatars Online
Online cartoon avatar generation tool, supporting random generation of cartoon avatars, supporting the generation of cartoon avatars with specified parameters such as accessories, hair, clothing, facial expressions, eyebrows, mouth, skin color, etc. The generated cartoon supports downloading as png and svg files.
Unicode Encoding Character View Online
View Unicode encoding characters online, enter the Unicode Code Point range, and view the characters corresponding to the Unicode Code Point range.
Text Character Set Encoding Query
Online text character set encoding query, input text data, and view the encoding of text in different character sets. Enter the text encoding to view the decoded text from different character sets.
Generate Character Relationship Graph Online
Online generation of character relationship graph tool, input a list of character names and relationships between characters, and dynamically generate a network structure diagram of character relationships. This tool supports the use of random character avatars or uploading custom avatars, and the generated relationship diagrams can be downloaded locally.
Schulte Table Attention Test Online
Online Schulte table attention test, generate a table with 25 small squares, shuffle the numbers from 1 to 25, and fill them in the table for attention testing or training. The generated Schulte table supports downloading to the local location.
Rotate Clock Online
Rotate clock online, display the rotating digital clock online, and support full screen display.
Loan Prepayment Calculator
Online prepayment calculator, which calculates the saved interest or reduced loan time for loans with equal principal or interest after prepayment, as well as detailed comparison information before and after prepayment.
Chinese Character Unicode Code Point Range
Online Chinese character Unicode code point range query tool, query the Unicode code point range of Chinese characters, and view all Chinese characters within the code point range.
Surface Area Calculator Online
Online surface area calculator, supporting the calculation of surface areas for dozens of geometric shapes such as rectangles, cubes, cylinders, cones, and triangular cones, and displaying corresponding surface area calculation formulas.
Handwritten Text Generate Online
Online handwritten text generation, input text, generate handwritten text, support multiple different fonts, spacing, color settings, and other parameters. Handwritten text results can be downloaded locally.
Seal Generator Online
Online seal generator, supporting the online generation of company seals, institutional seals, and invoice seals. The generated electronic seal supports downloading to the local location.
Longitudinal Redundancy Check Calculator Online
Online LRC Check (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) calculator calculates the longitudinal redundancy check value (LRC) of input data. The input data supports text, HEX data, and Base64 data, and the check value results are displayed in HEX, decimal, octal, and binary formats.
Color Blindness Test Online
Online color blind color weakness test, using color blind images for online color blind color weakness test, the test results include color blind color weakness level, color blind color weakness type (red green color blind, red blind, green blind).
Personal Seal Generator Online
Online personal seal generator, supporting the online generation of personal seals with two, three, and four character names. It supports setting different fonts and multiple generation parameters, and the generated personal seals can be downloaded locally.
Copybook Generator Online
Online copybook generator, generating various copybooks online, such as tracing copybooks, stroke order copybooks, blank copybooks, pinyin copybooks, etc. The styles of copybooks support various styles such as Tian, Mi, X, Hui, etc. The generated script supports downloading and printing.
Random Test Data Generator Online
Online random test data generation tool, input string templates, use fakerjs and custom functions to generate random data. The randomly generated data supports multiple formats such as string, JSON, CSV, and the generated results can be downloaded locally.
Random Chinese License Plate Number Generator Online
Online random chinese license plate number generator, supporting the random generation of various types of license plate numbers for ordinary cars, new energy vehicles, trailers, training cars, police cars, etc. It also supports the generation of custom license plate numbers through templates. The generated license plate number supports copying and downloading.
Font Format Converter Online
Online font format conversion tool, supporting mutual conversion of font eot, otf, svg, ttf, woff, woff2 formats, generating font sample demos, and downloading the converted font files locally.
Font Subset Generate Online
Online font subset tool, open otf, ttf, woff, woff2 font files, fill in the text or unicode codepoint range, and generate the subset of the font file to reduce the size of the font file. The cropped font file supports downloading to the local location.
Certificate Generator Online
Online certificate generator, generating certificates of honor or honors online. Support the use of predefined templates for certificates and rewards, as well as the ability to upload images and customize the generation of certificates. The generated results support downloading locally.
JavaScript Object to JSON Online
Online JavaScript object to JSON tool, supporting the conversion of JavaScript objects and JSON data, and the converted results can be downloaded locally.
Random File Generator Online
Online random file generator, supporting the generation of random files using any byte or specified byte range. Support functions such as setting file size, setting file extension, and batch generation of files.
Unzip Files Online
Online ZIP file decompression tool, open the zip file online and unzip it. The unzipped file can be downloaded locally.
ZIP Compression Online
Online ZIP compression tool, open files or folders, and generate ZIP compressed files online. This tool supports multiple files selection and setting compression ratio and other parameters.
Text File Split Online
Online text file splitting, open the text file and split it into multiple files based on file size, number of characters, number of lines, number of files, etc. The split file can be downloaded locally.
Reaction Time Test Online
Online reaction speed testing tool, conduct reaction speed testing online, and list the results of reaction speed testing. You can also share the results of your reaction speed test with others.
Random Group Generator Online
Online random grouping tool, enter a set of data and perform random grouping. The grouping results can be downloaded as txt or Excel files.
Document Stamp Online
Online document stamping tool, open a PDF or image file, open the seal image, and stamp the seal onto the file. Support setting parameters such as size, rotation angle, transparency, etc. for seal images, and support setting the page count range for stamped documents.
GPA Calculator Online
The online GPA calculator can input course grades and credits to calculate the GPA. This tool supports multiple GPA calculation algorithms.
JSON Web Token Generator Online
The online JWT (JSON Web Token) generation tool supports the use of multiple algorithms to generate JWT tokens, and supports setting standard payloads and custom data. It also supports generating encrypted JWT tokens (Encrypt JWT).
Image Ascii Converter Online
Online image ascii convert tool that converts images into ASCII characters, supporting the generation of color and black and white character images. Support setting size, using characters, flipping, background and other image-ascii parameters.
Split PDF Files Online
An online PDF file splitting tool that supports specifying the page range of a PDF file in multiple ways to split one PDF file into multiple PDF files.
PDF Files Merge Online
Online PDF merge tool that combines multiple PDF files into one PDF file, and the merged file can be downloaded locally.
PDF to Image Converter Online
Online PDF to image tool that converts PDF files to JPEG and PNG images. The converted images can be downloaded locally.
Image to PDF Converter Online
Online image to PDF tool, open JPEG or PNG images, and generate PDF files. Supports opening multiple images, setting PDF page size, rotating images, and generating multiple PDF files.
Add Page Numbers to PDF Online
Online PDF file add page number tool, open the PDF file, and add page numbers. Support setting page number style, position, font, color, and other parameters.
PDF Editor Online
Online PDF editing tool that supports editing PDF page order, deleting PDF pages, and rotating PDF pages. The edited PDF file supports downloading to the local location.
Compress PDF Online
Online PDF compression tool that compresses the size of PDF files, supports setting different compression levels, and supports downloading compressed PDF files locally.
Add Watermark to PDF Online
Online PDF watermarking tool that supports adding text and image watermarks to PDFs. Support setting parameters such as font, text size, color, and rotation angle for text watermarks, as well as scaling, rotation angle, transparency, and other parameters for image watermarks.
PDF Decryption Online
Online PDF decryption tool to remove PDF passwords and PDF document restrictions online.
PDF Encryption Online
Online PDF encryption tool, supporting password protection for PDF files, selecting different encryption algorithms, and setting different PDF protection restrictions.
Hide Text Online
An online text hiding tool that hides the ciphertext you want to encrypt within a piece of plaintext, making the ciphertext invisible. This tool supports password protection of ciphertext and decryption of encrypted plaintext.
Chmod Permission Generator Online
Online linux chmod permission generator, using a visual ui interface to generate read, write, and execute permissions for owners, groups, and other users, supporting the setting of SUID, SGID, and Sticky special permissions.
Percentage Calculator Online
Online percentage calculation, supports various forms of percentage calculation, and the calculation results can be copied with one click.
Datetime Format Converter
Online date time format conversion tool that converts date time into various formats such as ISO, RFC, Unix timestamp, UTC, Excel time, etc. Supports single time conversion and batch time conversion.
Image Hidden Text
Online image hiding text tool, which hides input text in the image and supports password protection for hidden text.
Random Bank Card Number Generator Online
Online random bank card number generation, supporting customized multiple rules for batch generation of bank card numbers, and the generated bank card numbers can be downloaded locally.
Emoji Encyclopedia Online
Online Emoji Encyclopedia, which lists emojis by category and supports one click copying.
Barcode Sacnner Online
Online barcode scanning tool, supporting batch scanning of barcodes in EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Code 128, Code 39, Code 93, ITF and other code systems. The scanning results can be downloaded locally.
Add Watermarks to Batch Images Online
Online batch image watermarking tool, supporting adding watermarks to jpeg, jpg, png, and webp images. Support adding watermarks to batch images, with watermark types supporting both text and images.
Day Calculator
The online day of the year calculator calculates the date of the day and week of the year. Calculate the day and week of the calculation.
Batch Modify Image Size Online
Online batch image size modification tool, supporting batch opening of JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF and webP images, batch modifying the size of images, and downloading the modified images locally.
Batch Unit Conversion Online
Online batch unit conversion tool, input a set of data for batch unit conversion. Support batch conversion of multiple units such as length, capacity, quality, area, data, time, temperature, speed, etc.
GIF Splitter Online
Online GIF splitting tool, open the GIF image, split each frame of the GIF image into images, and support the generation of images in jpeg, png, gif and webp formats. Split images support both single and batch downloads.
GIF Merge Online
Online GIF merging tool, open multiple GIF images and merge them into one GIF image. Merge supports sequential and simultaneous play of GIF, and supports setting GIF image size and other parameters.
Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple Calculator
Online greatest common divisor - least common multiple calculator, input a set of integers of any size, calculate their least common multiple and greatest common divisor.
Full and Half Width Characters Converter Online
Online full width and half width conversion tool, which converts punctuation, English letters, numbers, and other characters in input text to each other in full width and half width. The converted results support copying and downloading.
Online Foreigner Permanent Residence ID Card Number Generator
The online tool for generating permanent residence ID card numbers in China for foreigners can generate 18 new versions of permanent residence ID card numbers online. It supports user-defined countries, accepting provinces, birth dates and other parameters. The generated results can be downloaded locally.
China Permanent Residence ID Card Number Query Online
Online permanent residence card number query tool, which can query the province, nationality, date of birth and other information contained in the new version of 18 foreigners' permanent residence ID card number. Batch query is supported.
Chinese Pinyin First Letter Online
Online Chinese Pinyin Initial Abbreviation Tool, obtains the first letter of Chinese Pinyin in input text, supports parameter settings such as polyphonic characters, half width, and full width. The generated pinyin initials support downloading to the local device.
Matrix Calculator
Online matrix calculator, calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, determinant, inverse matrix, transpose matrix, etc. The calculated matrix supports both real and complex matrices.
Password Strength Detection Online
Online password strength testing tool, which checks the strength of the input password online. When the input password strength is weak, it provides suggestions to increase the password strength.
PDF Signature Online
Online PDF signing tool, add handwritten signatures to PDF files online, and the signed PDF files can be downloaded locally.
Modify PDF Metadata Online
Online PDF metadata modification tool, supporting the modification of metadata information such as title, author, topic, time, etc. of PDF files. The modified PDF files can be downloaded locally.
RSA Signature and Verification Online
Online RSA signature and verification tool, supporting signature generation and verification functions for RSA, DSA, ECDSA and other algorithms.
View Certificates Online
Online certificate viewing tool, open the SSL certificate in PEM or DER format, view the certificate's common name, key algorithm, validity time, certificate fingerprint, alternative name, and other information. This tool also supports viewing information about certificate chains.
CSR Viewer and Generator Online
Online CSR(certificate signing request) viewing and generation tool, to view the common name, alternative name, key algorithm, key length, and other information contained in the CSR file online. Generate certificate CSR request files online, supporting the generation of RSA and ECDSA CSR files.
CSR Certificate Issuance Online
Online CSR certificate issuance tool, based on the uploaded CSR (Certificate Signing Request) request file, issues X.509 certificates. The issued certificates and root certificates support downloading to the local device for use in encrypted communication scenarios such as HTTP.
Certificate Format Converter Online
Online certificate format conversion tool, supporting the conversion of certificates in PEM, PKCS12 (PFX), PKCS8, JKS, DER formats. The converted certificate can be downloaded locally.
Private Key Encrypt and Decrypt Online
Online private key encryption and decryption, supporting encryption and decryption of private keys for RSA, DSA, and ECDSA algorithms. The input private key supports PEM and DER formats.
Braille Input Online
Online Braille Input Tool, using letter and number keyboards to input Braille online. The input Braille supports 6-dot Braille and 8-dot Braille.
24 Points Calculator Online
Online 24 point calculator tool, which calculates whether a set of numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided to obtain 24 points. This tool also supports randomly generating 24 point calculation questions.
Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator Online
The online basal metabolic rate calculator (BMR calculator) uses multiple formulas to calculate the body's basal metabolic rate based on parameters such as height, weight, and age, and supports evaluating the daily calorie consumption of the body under different exercise states.
Batch File Rename Online
Online batch file renaming tool, supporting opening files of any size and quantity, using various rules such as replacement, numbering, capitalization, regular replacement, etc. to batch rename files. The renamed file supports both bundled and individual downloads.
Merge File Online
Online file merging, supports merging text files and binary files. Merge without restrictions on the number and size of files.
File Split Online
Online file splitting tool, which splits files of any size in the form of binary data. It supports specifying the number or size of split files, and the split files can be downloaded locally.
Online SVG image to PNG, JPEG, WEBP tools, supporting the conversion of SVG images to formats such as PNG, JPEG, WEBP, etc. Supports setting parameters such as size and image quality, and supports batch conversion.
Solid Color Background Images Maker Online
Online solid color background image production tool, supporting online production of solid color background images and gradient background images. The background image supports saving as images in SVG, PNG, JPEG, and WebP formats.
Image Viewer Online
Online image viewer, view images in JPEG, JPG, PNG, webP, SVG, GIF and BMP formats, supporting image viewing operations such as scaling, rotation, and mirroring.
Data Process Online
Online data processing tool that supports opening text files and Excel spreadsheets, using custom JavaScript to process data, and downloading processing results as text files and Excel spreadsheets.
Random Name Generator Online
Online random name generator, generating random names online, supporting dozens of languages such as Chinese, English, French, Japanese, etc. It supports setting gender, number of generated names, surname, first name, and other parameters.
Batch Image Rotate Online
Online batch image rotation tool, supporting batch rotation of images in jpeg, jpg, webp, png, and svg formats. Supports arbitrary rotation angle settings, and the rotated images can be downloaded locally.
Random Roll Call Online
Online random roll call tool, fill out a list, and randomly call. Support setting list grouping, randomly selecting multiple results at once, and allowing multiple parameters such as duplicate extraction.
DateTime Type Converter Online
Online datetime type conversion tool, supporting TAI time, UTC time, GPS time (GPST), Beidou time (BDT), Unix timestamp, and local time conversion. This tool supports batch conversion, and the conversion results can be downloaded locally.
Coordinate Unit Converter Online
Online coordinate unit conversion tool that supports inputting 2D (XY or BL) coordinates, 3D coordinates (XYZ or BLH), 4D coordinates (XYZT, BLHT), and converting the units of length, angle, or time of the coordinates. This tool supports batch conversion of coordinate units, and the conversion results can be downloaded.
Geodetic Latitude to Geocentric Latitude Converter Online
Online tool for converting geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude, supporting the conversion between geodetic latitude and geocentric latitude. This tool supports latitude batch conversion, with latitude units supporting degrees, radians, and degrees, and supports selecting or customizing ellipsoid parameters. The conversion result can be downloaded locally.
Electronic Wooden Fish Online
Online electronic wooden fish tool, supporting setting wooden fish color, tapping sound effects, automatic tapping and other parameters.
CMAC Calculate Online
Online CMAC (Cipher based Message Authentication Code) calculation tool, supporting the use of AES, DES, SM4 and other algorithms to calculate CMAC values. Input and output support string, hex, base64, binary formats.
View and Remove Image Metadata Online
Online image metadata viewing and removal tool, supports viewing and removing various metadata information such as EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, etc. of images, and supports multiple image formats such as JPEG, JPG, PNG, WEBP, GIF, SVG, etc. This tool supports batch viewing and removal of image metadata.
Ruler Online
Online ruler tool, supports measuring length online using centimeter ruler, inch ruler, and chinese chi ruler. Support setting parameters such as scale, ruler color, etc.
Flip Coin Online
Online coin flip tool, randomly flip coins to see if the result is heads or tails.
Make Danmaku Online
Online handheld danmaku tool, supporting online generation of handheld danmaku and scrolling LED text. Support setting parameters such as text font, text color, text size, background color, background image, scrolling speed, etc. Support gradient color text, blinking text and other effects.
Template Data Generator Online
An online template data generation tool that generates string/JSON/binary HEX format data based on a specified format or protocol. The data field supports randomly generating integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and supports field references and JavaScript programming calculations.
Shield Badge Generator Online
An online tool for creating shield badges, which supports setting parameters such as label, color, style, and adding logos. It also supports downloading as SVG, PNG, JPEG, or WebP images.
UUID Format Convert and Verify Online
Online UUID conversion and verification tool, supporting the conversion of UUIDs in string, hex, binary, and base64 formats. Support verifying whether the input string is a valid UUID and the corresponding UUID version.
ULID Generator Online
Online ULID generator, supports batch generation of ULIDs, and the generated ULIDs can be downloaded locally.
Child Height Calculator Online
Online height calculator for children, predicting and calculating their height based on multiple parameters, and providing height standard references for different age groups.
Keyboard Event Information Online
Online keyboard key information tool, displaying key, code, keycode, location, modifiers and other key information of keyboard key events in web pages, and providing a key information query comparison table.
PBKDF2 Derive Key and Verify Online
Online PBKDF2 derived key and verification tool, using Password Based Key Derivation Function 2 to export keys based on passwords and random salt, supporting custom hash functions, derived key length, iteration times and other parameters. Support online verification of PBKDF2 derived keys.
HKDF Derive Key and Verify Online
Online HKDF derived key and verification tool, using the HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function algorithm, derives keys based on the input key and random salt, supports custom hash functions, derived key length, carried information and other parameters. Support online verification of HKDF derived keys.
Chinese Idiom Fill Online
Online chinese idiom fill in the blank tool, fill in the text of chinese idioms at any position, and search for chinese idioms. Support filling in one or more words.
SCrypt Derive Key and Verify Online
Online SCrypt derived key and verification tool, using scrypt Password Based Key Derivation Function to derive keys based on password and random salt, supporting custom block size, CPU/memory cost, parallelization, derived key length and other parameters. Support online verification of SCrypt derived keys.
BCrypt Derive Key and Verify Online
Online BCrypt derived key and verification tool, using the bcrypt Password Based Key Derivation Function to derive keys based on passwords and random salt, supporting custom cost and other parameters. Support online verification of BCrypt derived keys.
KMAC Calculate and Verify Online
Online KMAC (KECCAK Message Authentication Code) calculation and verification tool, supporting online calculation and verification of KMAC. Support input data and keys, select KMAC-128 or KMAC-256 algorithm, set output bit length and other parameters.
Data Masking Online
Online data masking tool that supports opening txt, csv, json, and excel data to perform hash masking, mask masking, replacement masking, transformation masking, encryption masking, and shuffling masking on sensitive data. The desensitized data can be downloaded locally.
OTP Code Generator Online
Online OTP Password Generator, supports generating TOTP(Time-Based One-Time Password) and HOTP(HMAC-based One-time Password) passwords. The generated TOTP passwords can be imported into Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator.
Modify Image DPI Online
Online modify image DPI tool, support single or batch modify image DPI (dots per inch), support modify jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, webp format images.
Calculator Online
Online calculator. Enter a mathematical calculation expression and calculate the result of the expression. It supports various functions such as arithmetic functions, trigonometric functions, matrix functions, probability functions, relational functions, and statistical functions. It also supports the calculation of high precision floating - point numbers, large integers, complex numbers, and matrices.