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Surface Area Calculator Online

TAG math-tool

side length
radius of cylinder
height of cylinder
radius of cone
height of cone
number of edges
pyramid height
edge length
sphere radius
height of segment of a circle
base circle diameter
radius of sphere
height of segment
outer circle radius
inner circle radius
bottom circle radius
top circle radius
semi-axis a
semi-axis b
semi-axis c
side length a
side length b
side length c
distance from the center of the circle to the axis of the ring
the radius of a circular cross-section
top base circle radius
bottom base circle radius
the distance between the top and bottom circles
sphere radius
Surface Area Formula
Surface Area Calculator Online-summary

Online surface area calculator, supporting the calculation of surface areas for dozens of geometric shapes such as rectangles, cubes, cylinders, cones, and triangular cones, and displaying corresponding surface area calculation formulas.

Surface Area Calculator Online-instructions

Online surface area calculator, calculates the surface area of various geometric shapes and displays the calculation formula for the corresponding shape surface area.

  1. Shape : Choose to calculate the surface area of what shape. This tool supports the calculation of the surface area of dozens of shapes such as Rectangular cuboid, cube, cylinder, cone, and pyramid, and displays the schematic diagram and formula of corresponding shapes.
  2. After selecting the shape, please enter the corresponding parameters as required. Click Calculate to obtain the corresponding surface area result. Note: Please follow the parameter prompts and enter the parameters correctly.
  3. The calculated surface area does not have a specific unit, and the unit of surface area depends on the input parameter's unit.
  4. Formula for calculating the surface area of each shape :
    1. Cuboid : , where a, b, and c are length, width, and height.
    2. Cube : , where a is the side length.
    3. Cylinder : , where r is the radius of the base circle and h is the height of the cylinder.
    4. Cone : , where r is the radius of the base circle and h is the height of the cone.
    5. Pyramid : , where n is the number of edges, l is the edge length and h is the height of the pyramid. This tool supports the calculation of surface area of regular polygon pyramids.
    6. Sphere : , where r is the radius of the sphere.
    7. Fan-shaped-sphere : , where r is the radius of the sphere, d is the base circle diameter and h is the height of the arch.
    8. Spherical cap : , where R is the radius of the sphere and h is the height of the spherical cap.
    9. Hollow-cylinder : , where R is the radius of the outer circle, r is the radius of the inner circle, and h is the height of the cylinder.
    10. Truncated-cone : , where r is the radius of the top base circle, R is the radius of the bottom base circle, and h is the height of the cone.
    11. Ellipsoid : , among them, a, b, and c are the half axis lengths of the ellipsoid. The surface area of the ellipsoid is calculated using Knud Thomsen's Formula approximation.
    12. Triangular-prism : , among them, a, b, and c are the lengths of the three sides of a triangular prism, and h is the height of the prism.
    13. Torus : , where R is the distance from the center of the circular ring to the axis, and r is the radius of the circular section of the circular ring.
    14. Spherical-zone : , among them, r1 is the radius of the top base circle, r2 is the radius of the bottom base circle, R is the sphere radius and h is the height of the spherical zone.