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Convert Text&Image to XBM Online

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Convert Text&Image to XBM Online-summary

Convert text&image to xbm tool online, supporting the generation of black and white dot matrices for text and images, and downloading the generated black and white dot matrices as XBM files or image files.

Convert Text&Image to XBM Online-instructions
  1. This tool supports generating pixel representations of text and images (black and white dot matrix representations), and supports downloading the generated results as xbm or jpegfiles.
  2. Up to 5MB image files can be uploaded.
  3. Input Type : Choose to generate a dot matrix representation of the text, or upload an image to generate a dot matrix representation of the image. Uploading images supports both jpg and jpeg formats.
  4. Width , Height : The pixel size of the generated result, optional. If a numerical value is filled in, the input may be stretched to meet the width and height requirements. If not filled in, the size will be automatically controlled based on the input content.
  5. Export As : Choose the format for downloading the file, supporting both xbm and jpeg formats. The xbm format can be used for programming purposes, such as controlling LED, LCD dot matrix screen display of text or images. The jpeg format can be viewed and shared as an image.
    Note: If you choose the jpeg format, when the pixel grid has scrolling, the parts that need to be scrolled will not be displayed in the downloaded image.
  6. Row , Column : The number of rows and columns in the pixel grid. When the number of rows and columns is less than the width and height of the generated result, the generated result will not be fully displayed, some parts on the right or bottom will be hidden.
    Note: When the number of rows or columns is greater than 500, the performance of the browser may decrease. Please be cautious when filling in excessively large numbers of rows and columns.
  7. Cell Size : The size of the pixel grid.
  8. Font Size : The size of the font used to generate the text dot matrix.
  9. Font :Select the font used to generate the xbm file.
  10. Export : Download the generated results locally in the format of xbm or jpeg.
  11. This tool has a certain frequency limit, please use this tool reasonably. Anonymous : 6/IP*Hour, Normal user : 12/Hour, VIP : 120/Hour, Senior VIP : 120/Hour.
    Anonymous and normal users are restricted from entering text with a length of 20 or less, and uploading images is not supported. VIP and advanced VIP users have all features.
  12. Sample image