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350 online tools , 21257556 times of use

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Random Number Generator Online

The online random number generator supports the generation of random integer values and random floating-point values. When unique is specified, all generated random numbers are not repeated.

Seal Generator Online

Online seal generator, supporting the online generation of company seals, institutional seals, and invoice seals. The generated electronic seal supports downloading to the local location.

Countdown Timer Online

Countdown timer online supports online countdown. After the countdown, you can set the sound of playing alarm.

BMI Index Calculator

Online free BMI index calculator provides BMI index calculation, introduction of BMI calculation formula and display of BMI normal value range.

Age Calculator

The age calculator calculates the age online according to the selected birthday.

Character Frequency Statistics Online

Online character frequency statistics tool, which calculates the frequency of individual letters and words in text. Frequency statistics support English and Chinese characters.

Reduce Lines of Text to One Line Online

A tool for connecting multiple lines of text online into one line, which can specify parameters such as join delimiters, whether to remove leading and trailing blanks, and whether to retain blank lines. Processing results can be downloaded locally.

Base58 Encode and Decode Online

Online Base58 encoding and decoding tool, supporting Base58 encoding and decoding of strings and files.

MQTT WebSocket Client Online

Mqtt websocket online testing tool connects to mqtt broker through websocket, subscribes to message topics, and sends and receives mqtt messages.

Unzip Files Online

Online ZIP file decompression tool, open the zip file online and unzip it. The unzipped file can be downloaded locally.

PIP China Source List

Python PIP source list in China and usage introduction.

Currency Converter

The Currency Converter tool adopts the latest exchange rate to calculate the exchange rate of RMB into U.S. dollars, euros, Japanese yen and other currencies.

Latest Online

Random Roll Call Online

Online random roll call tool, fill out a list, and randomly call. Support setting list grouping, randomly selecting multiple results at once, and allowing multiple parameters such as duplicate extraction.

Batch Image Rotate Online

Online batch image rotation tool, supporting batch rotation of images in jpeg, jpg, webp, png, and svg formats. Supports arbitrary rotation angle settings, and the rotated images can be downloaded locally.

Random Name Generator Online

Online random name generator, generating random names online, supporting dozens of languages such as Chinese, English, French, Japanese, etc. It supports setting gender, number of generated names, surname, first name, and other parameters.

Data Process Online

Online data processing tool that supports opening text files and Excel spreadsheets, using custom JavaScript to process data, and downloading processing results as text files and Excel spreadsheets.

Image Viewer Online

Online image viewer, view images in JPEG, JPG, PNG, webP, SVG, GIF and BMP formats, supporting image viewing operations such as scaling, rotation, and mirroring.

Solid Color Background Images Maker Online

Online solid color background image production tool, supporting online production of solid color background images and gradient background images. The background image supports saving as images in SVG, PNG, JPEG, and WebP formats.


Online SVG image to PNG, JPEG, WEBP tools, supporting the conversion of SVG images to formats such as PNG, JPEG, WEBP, etc. Supports setting parameters such as size and image quality, and supports batch conversion.

File Split Online

Online file splitting tool, which splits files of any size in the form of binary data. It supports specifying the number or size of split files, and the split files can be downloaded locally.

Merge File Online

Online file merging, supports merging text files and binary files. Merge without restrictions on the number and size of files.

Batch File Rename Online

Online batch file renaming tool, supporting opening files of any size and quantity, using various rules such as replacement, numbering, capitalization, regular replacement, etc. to batch rename files. The renamed file supports both bundled and individual downloads.

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator Online

The online basal metabolic rate calculator (BMR calculator) uses multiple formulas to calculate the body's basal metabolic rate based on parameters such as height, weight, and age, and supports evaluating the daily calorie consumption of the body under different exercise states.

24 Points Calculator Online

Online 24 point calculator tool, which calculates whether a set of numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided to obtain 24 points. This tool also supports randomly generating 24 point calculation questions.