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332 online tools , 26512823 times of use

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Random Number Generator Online

The online random number generator supports the generation of random integer values and random floating-point values. When unique is specified, all generated random numbers are not repeated.

Stopwatch Online

Online stopwatch timer supports online stopwatch timing, millisecond time, pause, mark and download functions.

Unit Converter Online

Unit converter online supports the conversion of multiple units such as length, weight, area, volume data.

Morse Code Convert Online

Morse Code Convert Online supports encoding text (including Chinese) into Morse code and decoding Morse code into ordinary text. Text supports all unicdoe characters.

Safe Days Calculator

Safe Days Calculator online is a free physiological period calculation tool, which can calculate the safe period, ovulation period and menstrual period date online according to the selected menstrual time.

Average Calculator Online

The online average calculator supports the calculation of arithmetic mean, geometric mean, root mean square, harmonic mean, median and mode of a group of values.

Binary File Hex String Converter

Online file and hex string conversion tool, which supports converting binary files to hexadecimal strings and hexadecimal strings to binary files.

Handwritten Text Generate Online

Online handwritten text generation, input text, generate handwritten text, support multiple different fonts, spacing, color settings, and other parameters. Handwritten text results can be downloaded locally.

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Geocentric to Topocentric Converter Online

This operation converts geocentric coordinate values (X, Y, Z) to topocentric (E/East, N/North, U/Up) values. This is also sometimes known as the ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) to ENU conversion.

PIP China Source List

Python PIP source list in China and usage introduction.

Axis Swap Online

Online coordinate axis swap tool, supporting the swap of order and signs of coordinate axes. The swap results support downloading to the local.

PDF Encryption Online

Online PDF encryption tool, supporting password protection for PDF files, selecting different encryption algorithms, and setting different PDF protection restrictions.

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RSA Signature and Verification Online

Online RSA signature and verification tool, supporting signature generation and verification functions for RSA, DSA, ECDSA and other algorithms.

Modify PDF Metadata Online

Online PDF metadata modification tool, supporting the modification of metadata information such as title, author, topic, time, etc. of PDF files. The modified PDF files can be downloaded locally.

PDF Signature Online

Online PDF signing tool, add handwritten signatures to PDF files online, and the signed PDF files can be downloaded locally.

Password Strength Detection Online

Online password strength testing tool, which checks the strength of the input password online. When the input password strength is weak, it provides suggestions to increase the password strength.

Matrix Calculator

Online matrix calculator, calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, determinant, inverse matrix, transpose matrix, etc. The calculated matrix supports both real and complex matrices.

Chinese Pinyin First Letter Online

Online Chinese Pinyin Initial Abbreviation Tool, obtains the first letter of Chinese Pinyin in input text, supports parameter settings such as polyphonic characters, half width, and full width. The generated pinyin initials support downloading to the local device.

China Permanent Residence ID Card Number Query Online

Online permanent residence card number query tool, which can query the province, nationality, date of birth and other information contained in the new version of 18 foreigners' permanent residence ID card number. Batch query is supported.

Online Foreigner Permanent Residence ID Card Number Generator

The online tool for generating permanent residence ID card numbers in China for foreigners can generate 18 new versions of permanent residence ID card numbers online. It supports user-defined countries, accepting provinces, birth dates and other parameters. The generated results can be downloaded locally.

Full and Half Width Characters Converter Online

Online full width and half width conversion tool, which converts punctuation, English letters, numbers, and other characters in input text to each other in full width and half width. The converted results support copying and downloading.

Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple Calculator

Online greatest common divisor - least common multiple calculator, input a set of integers of any size, calculate their least common multiple and greatest common divisor.

GIF Merge Online

Online GIF merging tool, open multiple GIF images and merge them into one GIF image. Merge supports sequential and simultaneous play of GIF, and supports setting GIF image size and other parameters.

GIF Splitter Online

Online GIF splitting tool, open the GIF image, split each frame of the GIF image into images, and support the generation of images in jpeg, png, gif and webp formats. Split images support both single and batch downloads.