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Random Phone Number Generator Online

TAG random

Expression Syntax Description

  1. ${numberRange@startNumber-endNumber@min@max} : numberRange is a fixed string, startNumber and endNumber are a number between 0 and 9, and endNumber needs to be greater than startNumber. min and max are integers greater than 1 but less than 1000, and max needs to be greater than or equal to min. Generate a random number string using numbers between startNumber and endNumber, with a string length between [min, max].
    Example : ${numberRange@5-9@2@4} Generate a random string with a length range of [2,4] using the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  2. ${numberSelect@n1|n2|...@min@max} : numberSelect is a fixed string, n1, n2 is a number between 0 and 9. min and max are integers greater than 1 but less than 1000, and max needs to be greater than or equal to min. Generate a random number string using numbers such as n1 and n2, with a string length between [min, max].
    Example : ${numberSelect@2|5|7@5@10} Use numbers 2, 5, and 7 to generate a random string with a length range of [5,10].
  3. ${numberStep@start@step@paddingLength} : numberStep is a fixed string, start is the starting value, and can be any integer. step is the step size and can be any integer. paddingLength is an integer greater than 0, indicates the length of increasing or decreasing numbers that need to be aligned.
    Example : ${numberStep@0@1@5} Generate a numeric string with a length of 5 ( 00000 , 00001 , 00002 , ... ). ${numberStep@1000@-5@4} Generate a numeric string with a length of 4 ( 1000 , 0995 , 0990 , ... ).
  4. ${select@string1|string2|...} : select is a fixed string. Following is a list of candidate strings. Randomly select a string from the list of candidate strings.
    Example : ${select@152|137} Randomly generate 152 or 137.
  5. ${numberRandom@min@max@paddingLength}: Generate random numbers. numberRandom is a fixed string. min is the starting value, max is the maximum value, and paddingLength is an integer greater than 0, indicating the length of the number that needs to be aligned.
    Example : ${numberRandom@0@9999999999999@13} random generate numbers in range [0,9999999999999), align to a length of 13 digits.
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Random Phone Number Generator Online-summary

Online random phone number generator, using template syntax to randomly generate phone numbers. This tool supports generating mobile phone numbers in any format.

Random Phone Number Generator Online-instructions

Online random mobile number generation tool, using expressions to randomly generate any format of digital numbers, serial numbers, card numbers, etc. Numeric numbers include mobile phone numbers, phone numbers, administrative area codes, postal codes, and other numerical codes.

  1. Expression : Enter an expression to generate the number. Expressions support any normal characters and special keywords. Normal characters will be output as is, and expressions will be generated according to grammar rules. Please refer to the above expression syntax instructions for expression syntax.
  2. Generate Count : The number of results to generate, ranging from [1,100000].
  3. Unique : Specify whether the generated number needs to be unique. When determining whether it is unique, the content generated by the entire template is judged as a whole.
  4. Join : How to concatenate multiple string results generated by templates. The join methods supported by this tool are as follows:
    1. None : Directly concatenate the random strings generated by the template without using any connectors.
    2. Comma : Use commas to concatenate randomly generated strings.
    3. LF : Use new lines to connect randomly generated string data.
    4. CRLF : Use carriage return and new line to connect randomly generated string data.
    5. JSON : Convert the generated string array to JSON array format.
    6. JSON Raw : Convert the generated string array to [str1,str2,str3] format.
    7. JSON Compress : Convert the generated string array into JSON array format and compress it into its simplest form.
    8. JSON Raw : Convert the generated string array to [str1,str2,str3] format and compress it into its simplest form.