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English Letters Copybook

If there is no font used by this tool in your system, the SimSun font will be automatically loaded, which may take tens of seconds. Please be patient and wait.
  • Page Settings
  • Head-Foot
  • Input Content
  • Copybook Settings
select paper specifications and support customization
page width in millimeters (mm)
page height in millimeters (mm)
The distance between the four edges of the paper, in millimeters (mm). Supports filling in one numerical value or four comma separated values (in order of top, right, bottom, and left)
Print waiting time, in seconds. If you find that the font of the copybook is not the font selected when generating the copybook, or the title of the copybook is not aligned correct, increase this time to wait for the font to load when printing.
When it is necessary to increase the printing waiting time, it is recommended to set it to 120.
main title of copybook, optional
The header title for the copybook, with the format shown in the tool description below, optional
The footer title for the copybook, with the format shown in the tool description below, optional
If there is no font selected in your system, the relevant font will be automatically loaded, which may take tens of seconds. Please be patient and wait.
how many rows are there on each page, you can adjust the row height through this parameter
The distance between rows
Font size, which can be used to adjust the position of text within the line

The parameter description for generating a copybook is as follows:

  1. Page Settings : Set the parameters related to the copybook page, this set of parameters is mandatory.
    1. Paper : Choose the paper size for the copybook. This tool has built-in A3, A4, A5, A6, and B4, B5, and B6 paper sizes. You can also select to customize the paper size.
    2. Width, Height : The width and height of a paper page, in millimeters (mm), with values ranging from [50,1000].
    3. Margin : The margin of the paper, in millimeters (mm). Fill in a numerical value and use the same page margin for the four edges. Fill in four numerical values separated by commas, and the corresponding order is top, right, bottom, and left. The range of values is [0,100].
    4. Background : The background of the copybook paper supports both none and colors.
    5. Fg Color : The color of the copybook grid.
    6. Print Delay : Print waiting time, in seconds, with a range of [3600]. If you find that when printing, the font of the copybook is not the font selected when generating the copybook, Or if the title display of the copybook is misaligned, please increase this time to wait for the font to load when printing. When it is necessary to increase the printing waiting time, it is recommended to set it to 120, which means waiting for 2 minutes to load the font before printing.
  2. Head-Foot : Set the header and footer content of the copybook page, and this set of parameters is optional.
    1. Main Title : The main title displayed on each page of the copybook is larger in font size.
    2. Header : The title displayed in the header of the copybook, with a medium font size and support for multiple sets of header titles. The header content format is[Content] . For example [Name][Class][   Year   Month   Day].
    3. Footer : The title displayed at the end of the copybook page is of medium font size. The footer content format is [Content] . For example [${currentPage} / ${totalPage}]. Among them ${currentPage} is a placeholder for the current page, ${totalPage} is a placeholder for the total page.
  3. Input Content : Enter English articles or words, required parameters.
    1. Input Text : Input English articles or English words. Non VIP users can enter up to 500 characters, while VIP users can enter 50000 characters.
    2. Font : Select the font used to display English characters.
  4. Copybook Settings : English copybook related parameters, required parameters.
    1. Row/Page : How many rows in one page. You can adjust the height of each row using this parameter.
    2. Row Space : The distance between rows.
    3. Font Size : The font size for displaying English characters can be adjusted by adjusting the display position of the text within the line using this parameter.
    4. Text Color : The main colors displayed in English articles or English words.
    5. Secondary Color : In English word copybooks, the colors used to describe words are displayed.
    6. Base Color : The color of the baseline for English copybook.
  5. Print : Print the generated copybook as a PDF file or use a printer to print the copybook. The printing precautions are as follows (using Chrome browser as an example):
    1. In the pop-up print window, select the correct paper size specification for more settings. Ensure that the size of the printed paper is consistent with the size of the generated copybook.
    2. In more settings,Marginsselect None.